Olvi’s story - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › companyOlvi acquires the FIZZ cider brand and divests its holding in Chymos-juomat Oy. Olvi is listed on the main list of the Helsinki Exchange (previously on the OTC list since 1987) and launches its “Don’t take it seriously” advertising campaign. The campaign lasted until 2004, when it was superseded by the ”Finnish parlour game” campaign.
Le Coq - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › tuotteet › cocktailitLe Coq Cocktails -juomat ovat Olvi-konsernin laajimmalle levinnyt brändi ja sen raikkaat Cocktail-maut ovat tuttuja jo yli 40 maassa. Nyt on mahdollista nauttia näitä raikkaita juomia myös alkoholittomana. Mojito on klassinen kuubalainen cocktail, jonka alkoholittomassa versiossa Virgin Mojitossa maistuvat tutut maut kirpeä lime ja raikas ...
Muteman Premium Mixers - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › productsMuteman Premium Indian Tonic Water. Muteman Premium Tonic Water and its charm isn’t just empty talk – it’s based on an artfully crafted recipe: natural quinine and a beautifully balanced blend of bitter and citrus flavours. There is only 7.8 g/100 ml of sugar, so with Muteman there’s no need for sweet talk. New product.