Microsoft Office 365 - University of Helsinki › o365Office 365 is a cloud service - your data will be stored within the European Union. Metadata (who sent what to whom when) can be stored anywhere. Everything is stored in at least two Microsoft data centers. The University does not offer Office 365 email backup or restore.
Office 365 | HELPDESK - Helsinki › office-365Instructions Get to know Office 365 in Microsoft Office 365 Learning Center! The university's Office 365 e-mail service contains two separate systems: local e-mail and cloud e-mail. As a default, everyone at the university uses the cloud e-mail. Some duties may prevent the use of cloud e-mail.
Office 365 | HELPDESK - Helsinki › en › servicesMicrosoft Office 365 is a cloud service providing office and communications tools needed in daily work and studies regardless of time, place and device. Service description Microsoft Office 365 provides electronic services needed in daily work and studies, used with Microsoft software.