Microsoft 365 | Tampere universities - Tampereen … 365. In Microsoft 365 cloud service, you can use Microsoft office programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as several other applications such as Teams, Sway, Forms, To-Do, and OneNote. Staff and students have an Microsoft 365 license, which includes the right to install Microsoft 365 ProPlus on five of their own devices ...
Office 365 login for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive.
Login | Microsoft 365 › \Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, workbooks, and presentations online, in OneDrive. Share them with others and work together at the same time.
Microsoft 365 | Tampere universities › microsoft-365Microsoft 365. In Microsoft 365 cloud service, you can use Microsoft office programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as several other applications such as Teams, Sway, Forms, To-Do, and OneNote. Staff and students have an Microsoft 365 license, which includes the right to install Microsoft 365 ProPlus on five of their own devices ...
Microsoft 365 | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö 365. Microsoft 365 -pilvipalvelussa sinulla on käytettävissäsi Microsoft Officen toimisto-ohjelmat esimerkiksi Word, Excel ja PowerPoint sekä useita muita sovelluksia, esimerkiksi Teams, Sway, Forms, To-Do ja OneNote. Henkilökunnalla ja opiskelijoilla on Microsoft 365 -lisenssi, johon sisältyy oikeus asentaa viidelle omalle ...