Opiskelijan käyttäjätunnus ja sähköpostiosoite (OY) - Oulu
https://ict.oulu.fi/16483VerkkoAvainsanat: opiskelijoiden sähköposti, sähköposti, access right, azure, käyttäjätunnus, käyttöoikeus, kirjautuminen, kirjautumistunnus, login, Microsoft account, Microsoft-tili, …
https://ict.oulu.fi › tag › login... saavutettava sisältö, UniOulu | Tagit: account, azure, järjestelmä, kirjautuminen, login, M365, M365-tunnus, MFA, Microsoft-tili, MS-tili, O365-tunnus, ...
Staff user account and email address (UO) - Oulu
ict.oulu.fi › 16681Your O365 login name also serves as the e-mail address: account@univ.yo.oulu.fi. With old user accounts, the addresses of an old mail server could still opearate: account@cc.oulu.fi and account@koivu.oulu.fi. Office 365 Education is the university’s email service. The service also offers other versatile tools for your use.
Office 365 login
www.office.comCollaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive.
MS Office 365 – Teams - Oulu
ict.oulu.fi › 10920MS Office 365 – Teams. Microsoft Teams is a workspace within a network. It acts as the “digital hub” of Office 365, bringing together conversations, web conferences, content and apps in one place. Teachers can create communal classrooms in Oamk’s Teams, and all Oamk employees and students can create professional learning communities in ...