TestContext.Parameters not filled · Issue #3111 · nunit/nunit
github.com › nunit › nunitDec 11, 2018 · Parameters used by tests at runtime --> <TestRunParameters> <Parameter name ="webAppUrl" value="value1" /> </TestRunParameters> </RunSettings> My test: [Given(@"I am on the page with authorizations so i can add one")] public static void GivenIAmOnThePageWithAuthorizationsSoICanAddOne () { string url= TestContext.Parameters["webAppUrl"]; driver = LoginHelper.GetDriverLoginAndGoToPage(url); }
NUnit | JetBrains Rider Documentation
www.jetbrains.com › help › riderMay 6, 2022 · Using NUnit runner can take considerably longer to analyze the project, but the list of discovered tests will be complete in most cases. After you run all tests from a specific project, JetBrains Rider will update the list of tests in this project independently of the selected discovery mode because letting the NUnit runner to execute all tests is the most accurate way of test discovery.
TestContext | NUnit Docs
docs.nunit.org › writing-tests › TestContextTestParameters Test parameters may be supplied to a run in various ways, depending on the runner used. For example, the console runner provides a command-line argument and v3.4 of the NUnit 3 VS Adapter will supports specifying them in a .runsettings file. The static TestParameters property returns an object representing those passed-in parameters.
Parameterized Tests | NUnit Docs
docs.nunit.org › usage › Parameterized-TestsParameterized Tests. NUnit supports parameterized tests. Test methods may have parameters and various attributes are available to indicate what arguments should be supplied by NUnit. Multiple sets of arguments cause the creation of multiple tests. All arguments are created at the point of loading the tests, so the individual test cases are available for display and selection in the Gui, if desired.