Test | NUnit Docs
docs.nunit.org › articles › nunitAsync test methods must return Task if no value is returned, or Task<T> if a value of type T is returned. If the programmer marks a test method that does not have the correct signature it will be considered as not runnable. If the test method returns a value, you must pass in the ExpectedResult named parameter to the Test attribute. This expected return value will be checked for equality with the return value of the test method.
NUnit Example Test Case - NUnit Tutorial - DotNetPattern.com
www.dotnetpattern.com › nunit-example-test-caseFirst NUnit Test Case Example. [TestCase] public void When_PremiumCustomer_Expect_10PercentDiscount() { //Arrange Customer premiumCustomer = new Customer { CustomerId = 1, CustomerName = "George", CustomerType = CustomerType.Premium }; Order order = new Order { OrderId = 1, ProductId = 212, ProductQuantity = 1, Amount = 150 }; CustomerOrderService customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService(); //Act customerOrderService.ApplyDiscount(premiumCustomer, order); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(order.