Vitamin B12 - Health Professional Fact Sheet › factsheets › VitaminB12-HealthIn addition, serum vitamin B12 levels tend to drop, sometimes to subnormal levels, during pregnancy, but they usually return to normal after delivery . Approximately 24% of men and 29% of women reported using a dietary supplement containing vitamin B12 in NHANES 2017–2018 . The proportion in children ranged from 30% of those aged 2–5 years to 10% of adolescents aged 12–19.
Vitamin B12 Levels: Normal Range Chart • PA Relief › b12 › levelsIs that low? It is within my clinic’s vitamin B12 normal range chart!“. In other cases, readers are searching for a specific chart listing normal B12 levels by age. Well, in most countries, the normal values of vitamin B12, for both children and adults, are anywhere between 200 to 900 pg/ml. However, again, people show symptoms within that range. Therefore, we would like to suggest Sally Pacholok’s recommended vitamin B12 range: