Key data Nordnet › investors › financialsNordnet AB (publ) has 2019-03-14 issued Additional Tier 1 Capital (AT1) amounting to SEK 500 million. The bond is perpetual, with a first call date after five years. The interest rate is 3 months Stibor + 6.75 percent. The instruments will be listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more about the bond in the presentation and terms. Prospect
Contact us | Nordnet Bank AB › contact-usNordnet AB (publ) 559073-6681 Nordnet Bank AB 516406-0021 Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB 516406-0286 Nordnet Bank NUF 982 503 868 Nordnet Livsforsikring AS 914 350 956 Nordnet, filial af Nordnet Bank AB, Sverige 32301908 Nordnet Bank AB Finnish Branch / Suomen sivuliike 2329589-2
Nordnet - Wikipedia › wiki › NordnetNordnet AB (publ), commonly shortened to Nordnet, is a pan-Nordic financial services company, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Nordnet was founded in 1996, becoming the first Internet broker in Sweden, and has expanded since to provide other saving and investment services.
This is Nordnet democratize savings and investments. We are a leading pan-Nordic digital platform for savings and investments. Through innovation, simplicity and transparency, we challenge traditional structures, and …
Nordnet Corporate Web
nordnetab.comOct 24, 2023 · Nordnet is a pan-Nordic leading digital platform for savings and investments. Ever since we started in 1996, our purpose has been to democratize savings and investments. Through innovation, simplicity and transparency, we challenge traditional structures, and give private savers access to the same information, tools and services as ...
Nordnet säästösi hallintaan. Sijoittaminen osakkeisiin, rahastoihin ja ETF:iin ilman tarpeettomia kuluja. Tervetuloa asiakkaaksi sijoittajalle suositelluimpaan pankkiin! …