Debit card | Find Nordea’s Visa debit cards here | Nordea › debit-cardsNordea Debit and Nordea Electron cards allow you to withdraw cash and make purchases that will be deducted directly from your bank account. Nordea’s Visa debit cards are the easy way to withdraw cash and pay for your purchases in Finland and abroad. Apply for a card in netbank Compare cards If you lose your card Report a lost card Safe use of cards
Nordea Debit | 4.5 (2 ääntä) Arvio. Nordea Visa Dedit on perustasoinen kansainvälinen debit-maksukortti. Kortin voi saada yli alaikäinen yli 6-vuotias vanhempien suostumuksella.. Kortti sisältää lähimaksuominaisuuden. Korttiin voi suunnitella omavalintaisen MyMoney -kuvan. Lisätietoja Nordean sivulla.
Nordea Debit - Cards | Nordea › nordea-debitWith Nordea Visa Debit you can withdraw cash and pay for purchases in Finland and abroad. Nordea Visa Debit includes the contactless payment feature which allows you to pay for purchases under 50 euros quickly without having to enter your PIN. Apply for a card in netbank Nordea Debit – handier than cash