2020–21 NHL season - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2020–21_NHL_seasonThe 2020–21 NHL season was the 104th season of operation (103rd season of play) of the National Hockey League (NHL). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the regular season was reduced to 56 games and began on January 13, 2021. Due to COVID-19 cross-border travel restrictions imposed by the Government of Canada, the league temporarily realigned for ...
2021–22 NHL season - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021–22_NHL_seasonOn December 4, 2018, the NHL confirmed that it had granted an expansion franchise in the city of Seattle. The team was named the Seattle Kraken on July 23, 2020. On April 30, 2021, the team was permitted to begin making trades and signing players after sending its final expansion payment to the league. The 2021 NHL Expansion Draft was held on July 21, 2021, to fill out the Kraken roster. The league returned to the previous alignment with Eastern and Western conferences. As planned …
NHL-kausi 2021–2022 – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHL-kausi_2021–2022NHL-kausi 2021–2022 oli National Hockey Leaguen 104. kausi. Runkosarja alkoi 12. lokakuuta 2021. Liiga laajentui 32 joukkueeseen, kun Seattle Kraken aloitti pelaamisen tällä kaudella Läntisen konferenssin Tyynenmeren divisioonassa. Joukkueiden tasaamiseksi neljään kahdeksan joukkueen divisioonaan Arizona Coyotes siirtyi Tyynestämerestä Keskiseen divisioonaan. Vuoden 2021 varaustilaisuuden ensimmäisen valinnan sai Buffalo Sabres, joka valitsi kanadalaispuol…