Probate Division | New Hampshire Judicial Branch › circuit-court › probate-divisionThe Circuit Court Probate Division has jurisdiction over a variety of issues including all matters related to wills, trusts and estates, guardianships and involuntary commitment proceedings, adoptions, name changes and equity matters relating to partition, quiet title, intervivos trust, cy pres doctrine, etc. Probate Judges preside over these cases from courthouses located in each of the ten counties throughout the state.
Public Notices in collaboration with participating newspapers provides online access to public notice advertisements from throughout New Hampshire. Contact us to learn how to become a participating newspaper. What are Public …
New Hampshire, County Probate Records - FamilySearch ... › en › wikiDec 7, 2022 · Probate records include petitions, inventories, accounts, decrees and other court documents. Name of the testator or deceased Names of the heirs, such as spouse, children, other relatives, and friends Name of the executor, administrator, or guardian Names of witnesses Residence of the testator