English News in Levels on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appNews in Levels is an application to improve your English naturally and fast with our articles. In our short news, we use words which are used in English often. Each article is written in 3 levels. Level 1 has the 1000 most important or often-used words. Level 2 has the 2000 most important or often-used words.
News in Levels - English in Levels
www.englishinlevels.com › project › news-in-levelsDec 9, 2013 · News in Levels – www.newsinlevels.com – a special English website that improves reading and listening skills through understanding news. Students teststheir levels and then read and listen to the news in one of three levels. If students use News in Levels on a daily basis, they can improve their reading and listening skills in a short period of time. Here is the printscreen of News in Levels: