How Probate Laws Work in New Hampshire › new-hampshire-probate-lawsWhile probate is generally required for estates in New Hampshire, there are exceptions. The best way to avoid probate with an estate is to place it in a revocable living trust. This allows the person to still have control over the assets and even to change their mind. At the same time, the named beneficiary receives the assets of the trust without the need for probate.
Estates | New Hampshire Judicial Branch › self-help › estatesEstates e-Filing is required for estate cases that started electronically (not in paper) at all probate division locations. New: Probate Estate Publication Fee Increase as of December 28, 2021 – For estates requiring a publication fee, the fee will be $55 starting on December 28, 2021. This fee will be charged through the electronic filing process.
Probate Division | New Hampshire Judicial Branch › circuit-court › probate-divisionThe Circuit Court Probate Division has jurisdiction over a variety of issues including all matters related to wills, trusts and estates, guardianships and involuntary commitment proceedings, adoptions, name changes and equity matters relating to partition, quiet title, intervivos trust, cy pres doctrine, etc. Probate Judges preside over these cases from courthouses located in each of the ten counties throughout the state.