Klaukkalan terveysasema - Keski-Uudenmaan Sote
Klaukkalan terveysasema Terveysasemaltasi saat perusterveydenhuollon monipuolisia palveluita ja tukea omahoitoosi. Käyntitiedot Vaskomäentie 2 01800 KLAUKKALA Näytä reitti tänne Palvelut Klikkaamalla palvelun nimeä pääset katsomaan palvelukohtaisen sivun. Plussamerkkiä klikkaamalla näet palvelun sähköiset asiointikanavat ja puhelinnumerot
Neuvola - We are on a mission to fight for better global ...
neuvola.comNeuvola.com Neuvola.com represents the best of Finnish practice in maternity care and life skills education for young people. Based on Finnish much appraised maternity care and health education approach, referred to as “neuvola”, a sort of Google for pregnant mothers and for fathers, help with young children and comprehensive knowledge package for young people.
Team - Neuvola
neuvola.com › teamFrom 2002 to 2006, Mr. Sareva was Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Finland to the UN in New York. His other diplomatic experience includes two tours of duty in Moscow, including as Deputy Chief of Mission, as well as Washington, D.C., and Vienna. He also served as Director of Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation at ...