Neuvo - Tampere › tampereNeuvo - Tampere Hey! I am the City of Tampere Coronabot. I am a learning artificial intelligence application that will advise in matters relating to Korona in Tampere with 100 different languages. • I have been trained on the basis of various communication materials (eg the City of Tampere, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, THL).
Neuvola - We are on a mission to fight for better global ... represents the best of Finnish practice in maternity care and life skills education for young people. Based on Finnish much appraised maternity care and health education approach, referred to as “neuvola”, a sort of Google for pregnant mothers and for fathers, help with young children and comprehensive knowledge package for ...
Perhe-Arte - Yksityinen äitiysneuvola | Helsinki, Lahti, Tampere
perhe-arte.fiUusi yksityinen äitiysneuvolamme avattiin Tampereella Pohjolankadulla elokuussa 2021. Meiltä saat tuen, avun ja turvan kaikkiin perheesi vaiheisiin. Lämpimästi tervetuloa neuvola- ja terveyspalveluidemme pariin. Lahti Alta pääset tutustumaan Lahden palveluvalikoimaan tai suoraan varaamaan omaa aikaasi Ajanvaraus Lahti Palvelut Lahti Helsinki