Introduction NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro - Product Demonstration Lyn deSmit 330 subscribers Subscribe 54 Share 17K views 7 years ago To purchase the NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro, please visit...
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running EMG graph as well as many other helpful tools. Category: EMG and ETS Description Product Description OVERVIEW TECHNICAL DATA
The NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro uses EMG biofeedback to assess muscle strength and neuromuscular stimulation to actively exercise the muscles. With a wide range of pre-set programmes for pelvic floor and neuromuscular rehabilitation, plus customisable programmes, to allow the clinician to custom-design treatment, it can be used for:
WebNeuroTrac® MyoPlus4 Pro. Designed for Physiotherapist in mind to be used as a portable tool. Suitable as a personal trainer for in-clinic or home use (under guidance). Pre-set programmes for Incontinence treatment, …
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro · New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. · Pre-set programmes for Incontinence treatment and neuro-muscular Rehabilitation ...
The NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro is the complete device for incontinence treatment, pain relief and neuromuscular rehabilitation in the home or clinical setting.
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus 2 and 4 Pro The Professional Choice Dual channel STIM / EMG / ETS Four channel STIM and Dual channel EMG / ETS Ideal for professional use in clinic for pelvic oor disorders. Assessment and training tool. Ideal for professional use in clinic for muscular rehabilitation. Assessment and training tool.
The NeuroTrac MyoPlus 2 PRO incl. Software is a dual channel EMG Biofeedback & Stimulation High-End device which is powerful and easy to handle. You can use it for EMG Biofeedback training, neuromuscular stimulation and EMG triggered stimulation! New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display.
The NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro uses EMG diagnosis to determine muscle strength and ETS and Neuromuscular Stimulation to actively exercise the muscles, allowing you ...
Product Details Verity MYOplus 2 PRO New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running EMG graph , EMG biofeedback Games and Templates as well as many other helpful tools.
Pre-set programmes for Incontinence treatment, Sports and muscular development, neuro-muscular Rehabilitation. Designed for Physiotherapist in mind to be used as a portable tool. Suitable as a personal trainer for in-clinic or home use (under guidance). 2 channel EMG (Biofeedback) combined with 2 channels NMES (stimulation).
Designed to be used for a wide range of physiotherapy applications. Designed for therapist in mind. Can be used by the Patient for home training. Used as Biofeedback assessment and training tool. Typical use: Relaxation training. Muscular self-control training, especially for stroke and incontinence rehabilitation.
NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro ... New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the ...
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro - Verity Medical Ltd. NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro Other views | Download hi-res picture Optional accessories compatible with this product …
WebNeuroTrac MyoPlus2 Pro – New and improved touchscreen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running …
WebNeuroTrac® MyoPlus 2 Pro. New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running …
WebThis kit is suitable for the owners of NeuroTrac devices with the fiber optic data communication. Suitable for new installation or upgrade. The kit contains: Fibre Optic USB Adaptor. Fibre Optic cable. Quick Start …
New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on ...
The Neurotrac MyoPlus Pro is designed to be used for a wide range of Physiotherapy, Sports and Rehabilitation applications including Continence and Stroke treatment. With the MyoPlus Pro, you can use EMG biofeedback and neuromuscular stimulation separately or together. This method is widely used in sports therapy clinics
WebNeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display . The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running …
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro 1-kanavainen EMG- ja stimulaatiolaite. Sopii erinomaisesti mm. lantionpohjan toimintahäiriöiden tutkimiseen ja hoitoon sekä lihasten ...
Introduction NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro - Product Demonstration Lyn deSmit 330 subscribers Subscribe 54 Share 17K views 7 years ago To purchase the NeuroTrac MyoPlus Pro, please visit...
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus 2 Pro New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running EMG graph as well as many other helpful tools. Category: EMG and ETS Description Product Description OVERVIEW TECHNICAL DATA
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro New and Improved touch-screen with full colour display. The new user friendly interface makes it a self-explanatory unit with the interactive learning on the go, including electrode placement, running EMG graph as well as many other helpful tools. Read more
WebThe complete single channel device for incontinence treatment, pain relief and neuromuscular rehabilitation. Combining both biofeedback and electrical stimulation, …