Netflix Top 10 - Global lists are also ranked based on hours viewed, but don’t show country-level viewing directly. Finally, we provide a list of the Top 10 most popular Netflix films and TV overall (branded Netflix in any country) in each of the four categories based on the hours that each title was viewed during its first 28 days.
Netflix Top 10 - Global lists are also ranked based on hours viewed, but don’t show country-level viewing directly. Finally, we provide a list of the Top 10 most popular Netflix films and TV overall (branded …
Global - Netflix Top 10 › ...Most Popular TV (English) ; 1, Stranger Things 4, 1,352,090,000 ; 2, DAHMER: Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, 856,220,000 ; 3, Bridgerton: Season 2, 656,260,000.
Netflix Top 10 - Global › tv-non-englishNov 06, 2022 · To give you a sense of what people are watching around the world, we also publish Top 10 lists for nearly 100 countries and territories (the same locations where there are Top 10 rows on Netflix). Country lists are also ranked based on hours viewed, but don’t show country-level viewing directly.