Investors | Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable choices for the needs of transport, businesses and consumers. Our global range of products and services allows customers to lower their carbon footprint by combining …
Rally Finland - Wikipedia › wiki › Rally_FinlandRally Finland (formerly known as the Neste Rally Finland, Neste Oil Rally Finland, 1000 Lakes Rally and Rally of the Thousand Lakes; Finnish: Suomen ralli, Swedish: Finska rallyt) is a rally competition in the Finnish Lakeland in Central Finland. The rally is driven on wide and smooth gravel roads, featuring blind crests and big jumps.
Maps | Rally Finland 2023 [WRC] | 1000 Lakes Rally, NORF, neste, Neste Oil, Secto Rally Finland, MM-rallin ralli, Reittikartta, Reitti, kartta, rally rallin, rali, kartoittaa, kortti, kartata, aikataulu, …
Home - Secto Rally Finland › enSECTO RALLY FINLAND 2023 rally passes now available! Smooth and blisteringly quick gravel roads, buried among forests and lakes, characterised by massive stomach-churning jumps. The fastest rally in the championship and the one that every driver wants to win.
Neste - Wikipedia › wiki › NesteNeste Oyj (international name: Neste Corporation; former names Neste Oil Corporation and Fortum Oil and Gas Oy) is an oil refining and marketing company located in Espoo, Finland. It produces, refines and markets oil products, provides engineering services, and licenses production technologies.
Etusivu - Secto Rally Finland
sectorallyfinland.fiSecto Rally Finland 2023 reitti on nyt julkaistu! Klassikkopikataipaleet höystävät tuoreempia erikoiskokeita Suomen MM-rallin reippaasti uudistuneella reitillä, joka kattaa laajemman alueen kuin aikoihin. Näyttävä kisan lähtöseremonia Jyväskylän satamassa jo kisaviikon keskiviikkona käynnistää rallin, joka päättyy sunnuntaina ...