Konserni | Neste Oyj
www.neste.fi › konserniNeste MY Uusiutuva Lentopolttoaine. Valmistettu 100% uusiutuvista ja kestävistä raaka-aineista. Polttoaine tarjoaa kätevän ja tehokkaan tavan vähentää päästöjä ja lisää uusiutuvan energian osuutta ilmailualalla. Lue lisää.
Products | Neste
https://www.neste.com/productsNeste Renewable Isoalkane oil offers a sustainable, safe, and odorless alternative to traditional mineral oils, and is ideal for a wide range of chemical applications from paints and coatings to …
Neste - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › NesteNeste Oyj (international name: Neste Corporation; former names Neste Oil Corporation and Fortum Oil and Gas Oy) is an oil refining and marketing company located in Espoo, Finland . It produces, refines and markets oil products, provides engineering services, and licenses production technologies. Neste has operations in 14 countries. [2]
Neste Worldwide | Neste
www.neste.com › about-nesteInspiration, innovation and information for your #journeytozero, from Neste. This is the only planet we have, and we all are responsible for keeping it in shape. As it takes more than one to reach zero, join us on this journey and get inspired. Check stories now. Circular economy.
Neste Oil is now Neste | Neste
www.neste.com › neste-oil-now-nesteJun 01, 2015 · As of June 1, Neste Oil's official name is Neste Oyj in Finnish, Neste Abp in Swedish and Neste Corporation in English. The Annual General Meeting decided to drop the word Oil from the name on April 1, 2015. The name change reflects the company's transformation from a traditional oil refiner to a global pioneer in renewable fuels.