Apr 28, 2016 · Negative simple tenses are formed using either do, does, did, will or the verb to be and not, followed by the bare infinitive. Below is a group of exercises to test this understanding – using the information provides, form complete negative simple sentences. The answers are given at the bottom.
Negative sentences are created by placing an auxiliary verb and not before the main verb. The auxiliary verb depends on the tense we are using. We use do + not in simple tenses, be + not in progressive tenses, have + not in perfect tenses and have + be + not in perfect progressive tenses.
Negations in English - Grammar Exercises Negations in English – Exercise 2 Task No. 4637 Negate the sentences. Mind the tenses in the sentences. Show example Do you need help? English Tenses Karin played volleyball yesterday. . There will be rain in the South tomorrow. . Mel speaks German. . We are writing a test. . Listen to Thomas. .
English Tenses, Negative sentences, Exercise Online. Task No. 4631. Form negative sentences in the given tenses using the following words. he – (to) write – letters. Show example