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Nebbiolo - Wikipedia
Nebbiolo is an Italian red wine grape variety predominantly associated with its native Piedmont region, where it makes the Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) wines of Barolo, Barbaresco, Roero, Gattinara, Carema and Ghemme. Nebbiolo is thought to derive its name from the Italian nebbia or Piedmontese nebia, meaning "fog". During harvest, which generally takes plac…
Mr. Nebbiolo | Tuomme ainutlaatuisia Piemonten viinejä ...
nebbiolo rypäleenä ja viininä. Nebbiolo on monikäyttöinen viini. Hedelmäisyytensä ja rakenteensa ansiosta se sopii erinomaisesti niin kala- kuin liharuokien kumppaniksi. Nebbioloa on yritetty viljellä muilla mantereilla – ja viljelläänkin – mutta Piemonten maaperässä ja ilmasto-olosuhteissa piilee lopputuloksen ainutlaatuisuus.
Punaviinit - Nebbiolo | Alko › tuotteet › punaviinit › nebbiolo
Virna Langhe Nebbiolo Il 2016. Vivahteikas & kehittynyt / Italia. Vivahteikas & kehittynyt. Punaviinit | Italia. Keskitäyteläinen, keskitanniininen, tumman ...
Nebbiolo – Wikipedia
Nebbiolo on viinin valmistukseen käytettävä tumma rypälelajike . Se on italialainen alkuperäislajike, jota on sanottu merkittävimmäksi italialaisrypäleeksi .
Nebbiolo | Red Wine Grape Variety Wine Information
10.1.2022 · Nebbiolo – the grape behind Barolo and Barbaresco – is famous for its distinctive scent, its aggressive tannins, and its evocative, brick red color Within just a few years of vintage, Nebbiolo wines begin fading to a beautiful brick orange
Nebbiolo - Nautiskelijan viinitieto › Sana
Tumma ja tanniininen Nebbiolo on vanha Italian Piemonten lajike, josta löytyy mainintoja jo 1200-luvulta. Nebbiolo on Sangiovesen ohella Italian arvostetuin ...
Nebbiolo - Wikipedia
Il Nebbiolo è un vitigno autoctono a bacca nera del Piemonte (), considerato di pregio e adatto per vini da invecchiamento di alta qualità (D.O.C. e D.O.C.G.).. È coltivato soprattutto nelle colline di Langhe-Roero, quindi in alcune zone del Monferrato, Canavese, Astigiano ed infine nel Vercellese-Novarese col nome di Spanna e in Val d’Ossola nell’estremo nord Piemonte con il nome di ...
Nebbiolo | Red Wine Grape Variety Wine Information › grape-316
Jan 10, 2022 · Nebbiolo is the superstar grape variety behind the top-quality red wines Italy northwestern Piedmont, and in particular, the heady, powerful reds of Barolo and Barbaresco. Nebbiolo wines are often distinctively perfumed with an aroma described as "tar and roses"; along with a moderate body; strong, tannic backbone; and high, fresh acidity.
Nebbiolo: The Grape of Barolo and So Much More | Wine Folly › deep-dive › guide-to-nebbiolo-wine
Jan 20, 2016 · Nebbiolo (“Nebby-oh-low”) is a full-bodied red wine more famously known by the two production regions of Barolo and Barbaresco in Piedmont, Italy. Nebbiolo wines are translucent (like Pinot!) and have a delicate smell, but when you taste them you are greeted with robust tannin and high acidity. Find out about Nebbiolo and several regions in ...
Kuukauden rypäle: Nebbiolo - Wine for you › kuukauden-rypale › kuuka...
Italiassa Piemonten lisäksi Nebbioloa viljellään myös Lombardian alueella. Nebbiolo on haasteellinen rypäle viljeltäväksi ja se on tarkka ...
Nebbiolo: The Grape of Barolo and So Much More | Wine Folly
20.1.2016 · Nebbiolo (“Nebby-oh-low”) is a full-bodied red wine more famously known by the two production regions of Barolo and Barbaresco in Piedmont, Italy. Nebbiolo wines are translucent (like Pinot!) and have a delicate smell, but when you taste them you are greeted with robust tannin and high acidity. Find out about Nebbiolo and several regions in ...
Nebbiolo – › rypale › nebbiolo
Fontanafredda Langhe Nebbiolo 2015. Kalpean vaaleanpunaisen ja reunoiltaan oranssin viinin tuoksusta voi löytää yrttejä, salmiakkia sekä hentoa kukkeutta ja ...
Nebbiolo – lär dig mer om olika blå druvsorter ...
Den blå nebbiolodruvan odlas främst i Barolo och Barbaresco i Piemonte i norra Italien. Lär dig mer om nebbiolo och andra populära druvsorter här på vår sajt.
Nebbiolo in a Nutshell | Wine Folly
16.1.2018 · Nebbiolo Wine Facts. Nebbiolo is an old, old grape, first being referenced as far back as the 13th Century! The name Nebbiolo derives from nebbia, the Italian word for “fog.” This is likely from the white, powder-like natural bloom on the grapes that appears during harvest season.
Nebbiolo - Wikipedia › wiki › Nebbiolo
Nebbiolo (/ ˌ n ɛ b i ˈ oʊ l oʊ /, Italian: [nebˈbjɔːlo]; Piedmontese: nebieul) is an Italian red wine grape variety predominantly associated with its native Piedmont region, where it makes the Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) wines of Barolo, Barbaresco, Roero, Gattinara, Carema and Ghemme.
Nebbiolo in a Nutshell | Wine Folly › deep-dive › nebbiolo-in-a-nutshell
Jan 16, 2018 · Nebbiolo Wine Facts. Nebbiolo is an old, old grape, first being referenced as far back as the 13th Century! The name Nebbiolo derives from nebbia, the Italian word for “fog.” This is likely from the white, powder-like natural bloom on the grapes that appears during harvest season.
Nebbiolo - Decanter › wine › grape-varieties
Nebbiolo is arguably Italy’s greatest red grape variety, responsible for the great reds of Barolo and Barbaresco.. What does Nebbiolo taste like? The thick-skinned grape produces a range of fabulous violet and rose-like perfumes and flavours of truffle, fennel, liquorice and tar.
Nebbiolo - Wikipedia › wiki › Nebbiolo
Nebbiolo on viinin valmistukseen käytettävä tumma rypälelajike. Se on italialainen alkuperäislajike, jota on sanottu merkittävimmäksi italialaisrypäleeksi.
Mr. Nebbiolo | Tuomme ainutlaatuisia Piemonten viinejä ...
Tuomme piemonten ainutlaatuisia viinimakuja kaikkien ulottuville. Mr. Nebbiolo on uusi, italialaisten viinien maahantuontiyritys. Nimestämme huolimatta ...
Barolo, Barbaresco ja muut upeat, italialaiset nebbiolot › 2021/09 › barolo-barbaresco-ja-mu...
Nebbiolo, räjähtäviä tanniineja ja herkkiä aromeita. Nebbiolo on elegantti rypäle, mutta sen jopa julmat, suuta kuivattavat tanniinit ...
Negretti Nebbiolo d'Alba - Viini - BBWINES › Punaviinit
Tutustu tuotteeseen: Negretti Nebbiolo d'Alba. Laadukkaita viinejä ravintoloille ja myös yrityslahjaksi. Ota yhteyttä ja tilaa omasi tänään BBWinesilta!
Nebbiolo: What to Know and 6 Bottles to Try › nebbiolo-wine-5209822
Nov 16, 2021 · Nebbiolo is a dark-skinned grape variety used to make red wines. The grape is grown mostly in Italy’s Piedmont region and gets its name from the Italian word for fog, nebbia, as thick blankets of it are commonly found within the region during September and October. Nebbiolo produces light-hued wines with high levels of acidity and prominent ...
Nebbiolo |
Nebbiolo is also grown on the rest of the Langhe hills on the right bank of the Tanaro river to be sold as Langhe Nebbiolo or on the sandier soils of Roero on its left bank which produces surprisingly dense wines sold either as Roero or under the name Nebbiolo d'Alba, a larger zone. These can be some of the best-value examples of Nebbiolo.