Nature Photonics › nphotonFeb 9, 2023 · Nature Photonics is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access. Our Open Access option complies with funder and...
Nature Photonics - Wikipedia Photonics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The editor-in-chief is Oliver Graydon. The journal covers research related to optoelectronics, laser science, imaging, communications, and other aspects of photonics and was established in January 2007. Nature Photonics publishes review articles, research papers, News and Views pieces, and research highlights summarizing the latest scientific findings in optoelectronics. This is complem…
[1003.3928] Photonic quantum technologies - › abs › 1003Mar 20, 2010 · Photonics is destined for a central role in such technologies owing to the need for high-speed transmission and the outstanding low-noise properties of photons. These technologies may use single photons or quantum states of bright laser beams, or both, and will undoubtably apply and drive state-of-the-art developments in photonics.