myDHR | Maryland Department of Human Services
mydhr.mymdthink.maryland.govOnce you log in, you should link to the new myMDTHINK account. Click on the “Link Open Case” icon to assist you with this process. Once you receive your redetermination packet in the mail, submit it online right away using the new “Redetermination” feature when you log into your account. Interpreter Services Are Available for Free.
myMDTHINK Account Registration - Maryland › identityiqmyMDTHINK Account Registration Account Registration Please complete the registration form below to set up your account. The account is free and all information entered into your account is kept secure and confidential. Once you establish your account, you can apply for services, access your case details, and manage your account information.
Work Programs - Maryland
works.mymdthink.maryland.govAll records, reports, e-mail, software, and other data generated by or residing upon this system are the property of State of Maryland and may be used by the State of Maryland for any purpose. Build Version: 3.0. E&E Cycle Date: 10/06/2022. System Date: 10/06/2022.
OHEP | Online Status Check
myohepstatus.mymdthink.maryland.govWelcome to Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) The Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) provides bill assistance to low-income households in the State of Maryland to make their energy costs more affordable and to help with the prevention of loss and the restoration of home energy service. OHEP provides four separate grants: