Myllypuro Campus | Metropolia UAS › en › about-usMetropolia's brand-new Myllypuro Campus in Helsinki is open to life and new encounters. The campus brings together people-focused expertise where well-being, built environment and healthy future are developed together. The new campus is built partly on top of the metro for 6000 students and 500 employees.
METROPOLIA MYLLYPURO CAMPUS - European Investment Bank › en › projectsOct 09, 2017 · Objectives. The project finances the development of a new Myllypuro campus for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland. The campus development project supports the university's plans to concentrate all their operations on four main sites, from the 20 existing locations. The project will enhance the learning environment ...
Myllypuron kampus | Metropolia › kampukset › myllypuroMyllypuron kampus sijaitsee hyvien kulkuyhteyksien varrella Itä-Helsingissä. Metro Bussi Polkupyörä Pysäköinti Esteettömyys Myllypuron kampuksella Saapuminen Myllypuron kampuksen esteettömät autopaikat sijaitsevat parkkihallissa, jonne on kulku Myllypurontien (Myllypurontie 1, Helsinki) puolelta.