www.evli.comA Nordic active boutique manager. Evli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic fund management boutique established in 1989 focusing on institutional investors. Our funds are actively managed with an ESG overlay, a long time-perspective and focus on free cash flow. Our senior portfolio managers have an average of 10 years at Evli and 20 years ...
Evli: Funds
https://www.evli.comEvli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic fund management boutique established in 1989 focusing on institutional investors.
Funds | Evli
www.evli.com › en › products-and-servicesEvli Fund Management Company Ltd is a Nordic fund management boutique established in 1989 focusing on institutional investors. Our funds are actively managed with an ESG overlay, a long time-perspective and focus on free cash flow. Our senior portfolio managers have an average of 10 years at Evli and 20 years’ industry experience.
My Evli Mobile - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsJul 3, 2021 · You can use My Evli services conveniently from your mobile phone. You can see the development of your assets, trade and make money transfers, and update your investor information. Signing in is easy with the authentication methods provided. by your mobile phone. Private Banking, Assets management, Wealth management.
Evli Alexander Incentives
incentive.onlineEvli | Eai help desk. helpdesk@eai.fi. +358 9 4766 9931. The Incentive portal is a customized service platform for the share plan participants’ needs – follow your ownership, read materials, make transactions and much more.
Tutustu uuteen My Evliin!
www.evli.com › uutiset › tutustu-uuteen-my-evliinNov 5, 2020 · Uudistuksen tavoitteena on tarjota asiakkaille heidän tarpeitaan vastaava, korkealaatuinen varainhoidon ja sijoittamisen verkkopalvelu, joka on samalla helppokäyttöinen ja selkeä. Tästä syystä uutta My Evliä on kehitetty yhdessä asiakkaiden kanssa, ja sen beta-versiota on päässyt kokeilemaan ja testaamaan jo vuodesta 2018. "Uuden ...