My Pearson Place: cos'è e come accedere | Pearson › my-pearson-placePer attivarle: i docenti dovranno inoltrare la richiesta al loro Agente di zona o al loro Consulente universitario; gli studenti dovranno accedere alla sezione Attiva codice. Dopo aver attivato i contenuti multimediali integrativi, sarà sufficiente cliccare su Esplora oppure su Avvia per accedervi. Accedi a My Pearson Place >>.
Pearson+ on the App Store › us › appiPad. Pearson+ lets you read, study, and listen to your Pearson eTextbooks, and with offline access, you never miss a beat. Access all your Pearson eTextbooks in one place, including those from MyLab, Mastering, and Digital Collections courses. Log in with the same username and password you created via the web-based version to get started using ...
Pearson Practice English App | Digital tools | Pearson English
Access a whole world of English teaching and learn on-the-go Our app brings everything you need into one place, enabling students to practice learning English, anytime and anywhere on their own device. You can download extra practice activities for students, including audio and video, through the app. Once downloaded they can be accessed offline.