My Health eVet - Veterans Affairs › my-healthevetWELCOME TO MY HEALTH. E. VET! My HealtheVet (MHV) is the Veterans Affairs (VA) online personal health record. It was created for Veterans, active duty Service members, their dependents, and caregivers. MHV helps you partner with your health care team and . communicate better with your healthcare providers. It gives you the opportunities and ...
My HealtheVet Overview › Medicare › E-HealthMy HealtheVet is intended to improve the del對ivery of health care services to Veterans, to promote health and wellness, and to engage Veterans as more active participants i\൮ their health care. The My HealtheVet portal enables Veterans to create and maintain a web-based PHR that provides access to pa對tient health education information and ...
My Health E Vet Appointments Your VA Appointments - My HealtheVet - Veterans Affairs. Medical (9 days ago) View Your VA Appointments.If you are enrolled in VA health care, you can access your appointments that are from your official VA medical record. The VA Appointments feature lets you check your VA and community care appointment date, time and type (telephone, video, in-person).