GitHub - microsoft/testfx: MSTest framework and adapter › microsoft › testfxThis is a fully supported, open source and cross-platform implementation of the MSTest test framework with which to write tests targeting .NET Framework, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Documentation. See Documentation for full documentation about how to contribute, build, test MSTest v2. This documentation also contains information about history, context and supported or unsupported features.
NuGet Gallery | MSTest.TestAdapter 3.0.2 › packages › MSTestTestAdapter 3.0.2. The adapter to discover and execute MSTest Framework based tests. A framework for declarative UI testing for ASP.NET apps. Browsers: Chrome (>=109) Firefox (>=70) IE (>=11) Dependencies: MSharp Project: MSharp.Framework (>= 4.0.110) Olive Project: Olive.Testing (>= 2.1.113) A meta package to simplify test projects.