Peppi - Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu › peppiPepissä käsitellään Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun opintohallinnon rekisteriin kuuluvia henkilötietoja. Peppi ei ole siis itsessään rekisteri vaan käsittely-ympäristö, jossa käsitellään edellä mainittuun rekisteriin liittyviä tietoja. Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun opintohallinnon rekisterin tietosuojaselosteen voi ladata alta ...
Portable MIDI Controller MPK Mini mkII | Akai Pro › mpk-mini-mkiiExperience expanded control of your VST instrument and effect collection with MPK Mini MKII and Akai Pro VIP3.0 (Free Download Included a $99.99 value). VIP3.0 provides you with unparalleled access to your virtual instrument and effect collection, seamlessly integrating the hardware / software experience and grants the unrestricted freedom to ...
PEPPI: protein-protein interaction prediction through ... › PEPPIPEPPI (Pipeline for the Extraction of Predicted Protein-protein Interactions) is a computational program for protein-protein interaction (PPI) prediction.Given a pair of protein amino acid sequences, PEPPI predicts the likelihood of direct, physical interaction for those sequences through several independent prediction methods, including protein structual homology by multimeric threading ...
Portable MIDI Controller with Assignable Knobs MPK mini ... › mpk-miniBring it. MPK mini is an ultra-compact keyboard with an impressive array of buttons, knobs and pads that provide hands-on performance and production control over your music software. With a 25-key velocity-sensitive keyboard, 8 backlit MPC-style pads and 8 Q-Link knobs, the MPK mini is the ultimate portable controller to get your music moving.