Game of the Year
https://gameoftheyear.withgoogle.comVerkkoPlay a quiz based on 2018 Google Trends and find out. How well do you know what the world searched for this year? Play a quiz based on 2018 Google Trends and find out ... A quiz based on the most popular …
Among Us Is This Year's Most Googled Game - ScreenRant › among-us-2020-most-googled-gameDec 27, 2020 · Google has released 2020's most popular searches, and Among Us has topped the charts as the most Googled game of the year. The game joins the late, great Kobe Bryant, President-Elect Joe Biden, and Tiger King as some of the searches that trended the most in 2020. Among Us catapulted into popularity almost entirely by accident. It was released over two years ago by indie studio InnerSloth to limited initial success, but exploded onto the scene after it was streamed by a few notable Twitch ...
The Higher Lower Game
www.higherlowergame.comVerkkoA frustratingly addictive game of higher or lower using Google searches. The data is based on global monthly searches in 2017. Loading Early Access. Tell us if our new elimination mode is any good! Elimination Mode. Opt out of ads.
Google Fued
https://googlefued.coGoogle Fued is an unconventional browser puzzle game based on a popular American TV show with just one twist: the player needs to guess how certain popular ...