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moq verify times

Times Members - Moq Documentation › Moq
Moq. Times Members. Times Structure Methods Operators See Also Send Feedback ... Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked callCount times as minimum ...
Verifying the Number of Calls to a Mocked Method - BlackWasp › MoqT...
Times Class. When using mock objects created with the Moq framework, you can verify that a method is called or that a property is accessed when ...
Verifications - Unit Testing in C# › ...
The Verify method offers additional overloads to specify the fail message and the amount of times the invocation was expected to be performed. The amount of ...
Mockito Verify - DigitalOcean › moc...
Above verify method will pass if add("Pankaj") is called only once on the mocked list object. It's the same as calling with times(1) argument ...
3 ways to check the object passed to mocks with Moq in C# ... › blog › check-o...
Verify each property with It.Is; Verify with external function; Intercepting the function parameters with Callback; Wrapping up.
Verify Method - Moq Documentation › Moq › 83A8591C
Verifies that all verifiable expectations have been met. Namespace: Moq Assembly: Moq (in Moq.dll) Version: 4.0.10827.0 ( Syntax C# public void Verify () Examples This example sets up an expectation and marks it as verifiable. After the mock is used, a Verify () call is issued on the mock to ensure the method in the setup was invoked:
Verifying the Number of Calls to a Mocked Method - BlackWasp › MoqTimes
Rather than simply checking that a call is made, it is often essential to check how many times a method was executed. Times Class When using mock objects created with the Moq framework, you can verify that a method is called or that a property is accessed when a test is executed.
Two Ways to Count the Number of Times a Mocked Method is ... › ...
There are at least two ways to count the number of times a mocked method is called with Moq. The first is with the Verify method, the second ...
How do I verify a method was called exactly once with Moq? › questions
Once - Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked exactly one time. Just remember that they are method calls; I kept getting tripped up, ...
Moq - Using MockRepository.Verify() With Times - Stack Overflow › questions › 43702751
Apr 30, 2017 · I'm looking to see if it's at all possible to specify a Times enum value in the setup of a mocked property that can then be exercised by the MockRepository.Verify () method at the Assert block of my AAA-style test. My current code reads like so:
Using Moq to Determine If a Method is Called - Code Maze › using-moq-...
More Powerful Verifications With Times. The Verify() method has some interesting overloads we can utilize to achieve more flexibility. By ...
Setup/Verifyable With Times · Issue #530 · moq/moq4 - GitHub › moq4 › issues
This is a pure helper so you can setup and verify the same thing with times which for me is a happy middle case. public class ...
How do I verify a method was called exactly once with Moq? › questions › 4206193
Nov 17, 2010 · 3 Answers Sorted by: 239 You can use Times.Once (), or Times.Exactly (1): mockContext.Verify (x => x.SaveChanges (), Times.Once ()); mockContext.Verify (x => x.SaveChanges (), Times.Exactly (1)); Here are the methods on the Times class: AtLeast - Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked times times as minimum.