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moodle tuni

TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
Tervetuloa Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisön Moodleen! Kirjaudu TUNI-tunnuksella Kirjaudu muilla tavoilla. Ajankohtaista. Ohita. Viimeisimmät uutiset.
Videoiden lisääminen Moodle-kurssialueelle - Tampereen ... › panopto-videojulkaisualusta › vide...
Panopto-lohkon videolinkit toimivat vain TUNI-tunnuksilla. Jos opintojaksollesi osallistuu henkilöitä, joilla TUNI-tunnusta ei ole (muiden korkeakoulujen HAKA- ...
Opinto-opas › index.php › realization
Tentti: Moodlessa 7.4.2021 klo 8.30 - 11.00. Uusinta 1, Moodle 23.4 klo 8.30 - 16.00 Lääkelaskut :
Moodle -
20/12/2021 · Category: Moodle. Board - a virtual wall in Moodle. 21.3.2022 Moodle; Teamwork and collaboration; Moodle templates. 20.12.2021 Moodle; Pre-planning and teaching methods; Customise your Moodle page in the Collapsed topics format. ... suvi.junes(at) Coordinator of the Digimentor network.
Moodle - E-Learning - University of Kent
Moodle is the University of Kent's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). All taught modules can use Moodle for online teaching resources and interactive activities. Moodle provides tools to support the learning experience, such as; assignment submission, forums, wikis, quizzes, YouTube videos and lecture recordings. Accessing Moodle
Moodle - › digitaltoolkit › category
Dec 20, 2021 · The Digimentor network is a peer support network that promotes digitalisation across Tampere Universities. The digimentors not only encourage the faculties and schools to consider the benefits of digitalisation but also offer support for the use of digital tools and disseminate good practices within our higher education community.
TUNI Moodle - › ...
TUNI Moodle on Tampereen yliopiston sähköinen oppimisympäristö, ... Kun kirjaudut Peda.nettiin HAKA-kirjautumisella, siirtyminen TUNI Moodlen ja Peda.netin ...
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities › mod › book
For performance reasons, the maximum allowed file size in TUNI Moodle is 100 Mb. Share very big files from Office 365 OneDrive and just add links to Moodle course. Sharing a folder and all files/subfolders in the shared folder is also possible. If you are a teacher, you can, for example, paste the shared file link to a course page in Moodle.
Sähköiset palvelut | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö › sahkoiset-palvelut
TUNI Moodle · Tiedot häiriöistä IT-palveluissa ( Opiskelijoita kuvassa Korkeakouluopiskelijaksi Tampereelle tapahtumassa ...
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities Ohjeet ja tuki Image 1 Kuinka kopioit vanhan kurssialueen uuteen TUNI Moodleen? Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Luo uusi …
About Moodle - Cardiff Metropolitan University
Intropara. Moodle is an online learning space that will be used as part of your programme of study . Access Moodle . . . . Side Image.
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
Tervetuloa Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisön Moodleen! Kirjaudu TUNI-tunnuksella Kirjaudu muilla tavoilla. Ajankohtaista.
Moodle learning platform | Tampere universities › it-education › m...
TUNI Moodle DigiCampus Moodle. Moodle is a LMS (learning management system) where teachers can create course areas. Typically Moodle course ...
Login to Moodle - The University of Nottingham
Moodle is our virtual learning environment whether you're studying in the UK, China or Malaysia. This is a central point to access teaching and learning resources for all of your: modules lecture notes external learning resources self-test exercises and assessments online learning activities assignment submissions group project collaborations
TUNI - IT-palvelut
Tervetuloa Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisön intranetiin! Kirjaudu sisään.
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities › mod › book
Users will need TUNI account to access other Tampere universities electronic services. Special Moodle accounts cannot be merged with TUNI account later, so new employees should always wait for their actual TUNI accounts to be activated. Special Moodle accounts will be emailed to the user automatically when the account is created.
Uusille opiskelijoille | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö › it-palvelut › uusille-opiskelijoille
Tietokoneluokat; Sähköposti ja kotihakemisto; Tulostaminen ja kopiointi; Langaton verkko omille läppäreille; Opiskelijan työpöytä; TUNI Moodle; Intranet.
Moodle-oppimisalusta | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö › koulutuksen-tietojarjestelmat › mo...
kirjautuminen TUNI Moodleen HAKA-kirjautumisvaihtoehdolla, minkä jälkeen vastuuopettaja lisää hänet opettaja-roolilla Moodle-kurssialueen osallistujiin.
Quick instructions: What is Moodle? - TUNI › mod › book
Moodle is a LMS (learning management system) where teachers can create course areas. Typically Moodle course area is like a course's home page that can contain materials, links, assignments and other activities. All staff members and students at Tampere universities can access TUNI Moodle.
Moodle Q&A | Digital toolkit | Tampere Universities
02/09/2020 · MoodleOpet is a dedicated user support page where you can find, for example, an introduction to the tools included in Moodle. Click Instructions and support on the Moodle main page for more instructions. With problems, please email Moodle
Moodle-oppimisalusta | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö -
Opiskelijoiden pääsy kurssialueelle TUNI Moodleen kirjaudutaan TUNI-sähköpostiosoitteella, HAKA-tunnuksella (muiden korkeakoulujen tunnuksilla) tai erikseen luoduilla erillisillä TUNI Moodle -tunnuksilla. Moodle-alueille opiskelijat pääsevät seuraavasti: 1.
TUNI Moodle not working –
09/08/2021 · Update 8 Sep 2021 at 12.20. Moodle is working again. Due to the large number of users, slowness may occur. ———— TUNI Moodle is not working. There is a service break due to a network disruption caused by an external operator. The problem is under investigation. We apologize for inconvenience caused. Effect Common Services Type Incident
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities › mod › book
For performance reasons, the maximum allowed file size in TUNI Moodle is 100 Mb. Share very big files from Office 365 OneDrive and just add links to Moodle course. Sharing a folder and all files/subfolders in the shared folder is also possible. If you are a teacher, you can, for example, paste the shared file link to a course page in Moodle.
Uploading videos to Moodle course | Tampere universities
Turn the edit mode on in the Moodle course area. Open the left navigation column by clicking the menu, hamburger icon, button in the upper left corner. Click on the Add block link after all course items in the bottom of the left column. Select Panopto. Click on the Provision Course link on the Panopto block that has appeared in the right column.