Tree - MoodleDocs › dev › TreeJul 15, 2021 · Moodle 3.1 The javascript Tree is designed to allow you to create an interactive tree that is accessible, intuitively usable, and consistent with the rest of Moodle's hierarchical interfaces. It is currently used in the Navigation block and Settings block. The tree is originally based off the tree view example by the Open Ajax Alliance ...
Installing add-ons - MoodleDocs › 26 › enLogin to your Moodle site as an admin and go to. Upload the ZIP file, select the appropriate plugin type, tick the acknowledgement checkbox, then click the button 'Install add-on from the ZIP file'. Check that you obtain a 'Validation passed!' message, then click the button 'Install add-on'. Add-on package validation.
Startti - Tredu
https://startti.tredu.fiWebMoodle päivitetään uudempaan 4.1.-versioon heinäkuussa 10.7.2023. Tämä aiheuttaa muutaman tunnin käyttökatkon tuona päivänä. Päivitys takaa järjestelmän …
DigiCampus: Etusivu
https://digicampus.fiTampere University Tampereen yliopisto University of Turku Turun yliopisto ... 26.07.2023 klo 08.00 – 27.7.2023 klo 08.00 Moodle 4 päivitys · 21.08.2023 klo ...
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moodle.orgThe Moodle LMS 4.3 release contains more than 470 bug fixes, improvements and new features which the Moodle LMS teams and our community developers have been working on over the last 6 months. We would like to say a big “Thank you!” to our vibrant community for your innovative spirit, feedback, and unwavering support, which have been ...
Tree - MoodleDocs navigation search. Moodle 3.1 The javascript Tree is designed to allow you to create an interactive tree that is accessible, intuitively usable, and consistent with the rest of Moodle's hierarchical …
Installing plugins - MoodleDocs › en › Installing_a_new_themeAug 8, 2023 · There are three ways how the plugin code can be deployed into Moodle. Plugin code may be deployed from within Moodle, either directly from the Moodle plugins directory or by uploading a ZIP file. The web server process has to have write access to the plugin type folder where the new plugin is to be installed in order to use either of these methods.