MARKS AND HALLMARKS OF SILVER - SilverCollection › hallmarksthe silver markings guide to maker, town, assayer marks and hallmarks of antique and modern silver: English, American, Russian, Italian, French, German, Austrian, Mexican, Hanau silver, Silver plate, Electroplate silver, Old Sheffield Plate and much more ... una selezione fotografica di marchi e punzoni dell'argento d'epoca e moderno (anche con ...
Online Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks is the most extensive internet resource for research of Silver Marks, Hallmarks, Trademarks & Maker's Marks found on Antique and Vintage silver. The site's main focus is the silver markings used on vintage and antique sterling and coin silver, for those of you interested in silverplate trademarks, we have now added a large section ...
antique and modern silver hallmarks: the worldwide directory ... › hallmarksSITE MAP - HOME PAGE. - maker, town, assayer marks and hallmarks of antique and modern silver: Russian, Italian, English, American, French, Silver plate, Electroplate silver, Sheffield plate, Old Sheffield Plate and much more ... from SILVERCOLLECTION - A SMALL COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE SILVER. - questa è una selezione di punzoni dell'argento ...
SILVER HALLMARKS: STERLING, SILVERPLATE, … maker, town, assayer marks and hallmarks of antique and modern silver: Russian, Italian, English, American, French, German, Austrian, Mexican, Hanau, Silver plate, …
Silver Makers Marks' Marks & Hallmarks on British & Irish Silver. Use the links below to go to the section you want. Makers' Marks. Quick Makers' Marks. Hallmark Identification [Date Letters] Scottish Provincial Marks Identification. Please report errors and potential updates via my Contact form.
ANTIQUE AND MODERN SILVER HALLMARKS AND MARKS MAP - HOME PAGE. - maker, town, assayer marks and hallmarks of antique and modern silver: Russian, Italian, English, American, French, Silver plate, Electroplate silver, Sheffield plate, Old Sheffield Plate and much more ... from …