Mocking a Private Variable that is Assumed to Exist › questions › 19521220PowerMock.Whitebox.setInternalState() to mock a private field. If you need to mock internal local variable creation, use PowerMockito.whenNew(Foo.class).withNoArguments().thenReturn(foo);. Very, very useful. Cannot find other ways to do the same. With only Mockito you cannot mock local variable creation, because when(any(Foo.class) does not work; will return null. It compiles but does not work.
Mocking Private, Static and Void Methods Using Mockito › mock-private-staticDec 5, 2022 · Having said that, there still exists support for Mocking private and static methods by few unit testing frameworks like PowerMockito (and not directly by Mockito). Mocking “void” methods are common as there might be methods which are essentially not returning anything, like updating a database row (consider it as a PUT operation of a Rest API endpoint which accepts an input and does not return any output).