Flynn Memorial Home | Yonkers, NY
www.flynnmemorialhome.com52 Weeks of Support. It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year. Flynn Memorial Home, Inc. 1652 Central Park Ave. Yonkers, NY 10710. Email:
Collar de horóscopo de la galaxia 12, escorpio, Sagitario ... › ...Compra Collar de horóscopo de la galaxia 12, escorpio, Sagitario, capricornio, acuario, chapado en Color, cúpula de cristal, joyería del zodiaco, ...
MiSabueso - › solutions › misabuesoMiSabueso is a solution to find people or pets when they are lost or leave areas defined by the user. The user can locate them through a mobile application tracking the person or pet through GPS on a map. The MiSabueso device will have the ability to send panic alerts to the family network in case of an emergency.