Spanish Possessive Adjectives - 121Spanish › possessive-...Plural. yo, mi, mis. tú, tu, tus. el, ella, usted, su, sus. vosotros/as, vuestro/vuestra, vuestros/vuestras. nosotros/as, nuestro/nuestra, nuestros/nuestras.
Possessive Adjectives Spanish Flashcards | Quizlet › 116953198 › possessive-adjectivesmi, tu, su, nuestra, vuestra. Plural, masculine. mis, tus, sus, nuestros, vuestros. Plural, feminine. mis, tus, sus, nuestras, vuestras. Su/Sus. Since su/sus has many meanings, use the prepositional phrase de + name/pronoun instead of for clarity or emphasis. los pantalones de Ud.
Learn the Spanish POSSESSIVES - mi, tu, su, nuestro/a, … the Spanish POSSESSIVES - mi, tu, su, nuestro/a, vuestro/a, su... AND MORE. In this lesson, we will explore the world of possessive pronouns in Spanish. …
Lesson 58: Spanish Possessive Adjectives … …Bare in mind that “mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro, su” change to “mis, tus, sus, nuestros, vuestros, sus” when referring to a plural noun. And “nuestro, vuestro” may also change to “nuestra/nuestras, …
My, your, his, her, its, our and their (possessive adjectives) › grammarPossessive adjectives in Spanish ; our, nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestras ; your plural (vosotros), vuestro, vuestros, vuestra, vuestras ; your plural (ustedes) ...
Spanish Possessive Adjectives - Rocket Languages › s...mi, mis, my. tu, tus, your (familiar). su, sus, their, your, his, her , its. nuestro/a, nuestros/as, our. vuestro/a, vuestros/as, your (formal) ...
Spanish Possessive Adjectives - Lawless Spanish Grammar › po...Short forms of Spanish possessive adjectives ; his, her, your (Ud.) su, su, sus ; our, nuestro, nuestra, nuestros ; your (vosotros), vuestro, vuestra, vuestros ...