CAD迷你看图 for Mac版 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏 › p › 135319514cad迷你看图Mac版是一款非常小巧、快速、方便的dwG看图工具,cad迷你看图Mac版可脱离AutoCAD最快速、最方便浏览dwG和DXF图纸。 cad for mac,为您的工作提供更多便利! CAD迷你看图 for Mac功能介绍 看图: -支持.dwg .dxf .dwf文件格式的打开,包括加密图纸; -关联相关图纸格式,双击快速打开图纸; -支持平移、框选缩放、全图、撤销、重做、清除等常用操作; -支持对图纸简单修改; -支持设置触摸板与鼠标缩放系数; -支持天正转换; -支持布局切换; -支持设置背景颜色; -支持显示、窗口以及全图截图; -支持加载外部参照图;
Vectorworks - Wikipedia › wiki › VectorworksThe first version of the company's software was named MiniCAD, designed for Apple Macintosh. Version 2.0, MiniCAD Plus was released in 1989 and allowed architects to model custom details similar to hand-drawn work. The software was subsequently rebranded as Vectorworks in the late 1990s.
MiniCAD on the App Store › id › appDownload MiniCAD and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. • The honours of the company of Tianji Media have been installed and used by over 50 million CAD users. • Small software, powerful and fast • Compatible with AutoCAD R14 to 2019 versions of DWG 2D 3D drawings • Professional CAD technical team maintains maintenance ...
Download MiniCAD for Mac | MacUpdate › app › macNov 27, 2021 · MiniCAD is a fast and easy-to-use DWG/DXF/DWF(AutoCAD R14-R2017) file viewer. Features. Open various DXF, DWG versions ( R14-R2017) and DWF; Identify literal fonts and entity color correctly; Layer properties management, on/off, freeze/thaw, lock/unlock; Properties palette displays details; Print with plot styles and plot to PDF