2 € erikoiseurot, kaikki maat | Kolikot.com
www.kolikot.com › erikoiseurotPyhän Mikaelin kirkko - Hampuri: Saksa: 30 000 000: 2007: Suomen itsenäisyys 90 vuotta: Suomi: 2 000 000: 2007: Giuseppe Garibaldi: San Marino: 130 000: 2007: Paavi Benedictus XVI: Vatikaani: 100 000: 2007: Grace Kellyn kuoleman 25. vuosipäivä: Monaco: 20 001: 2007: EU-puheenjohtajuus: Portugali: 2 000 000: 2007: Rooman sopimus 50 vuotta ...
St. Michael's Church, Hamburg - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › StSt. Michael's Church (German: Hauptkirche Sankt Michaelis), colloquially called Michel (German: ), is one of Hamburg's five Lutheran main churches (Hauptkirchen) and one of the most famous churches in the city. St. Michaelis is a landmark of the city and it is considered to be one of the finest Hanseatic Protestant baroque churches.
Frontpage - ETS NORD
www.etsnord.comJun 10, 2022 · 19.09.2022. Meet us at FinnBuild 4.-6.10.2022. 07.09.2022. ETS NORD AS has expanded to the Middle East. 26.08.2022. ETS NORD's strong growth continues, now with a company acquisition