Windows 10 – Wikipedia 10 (koodinimeltään Threshold) on Microsoftin Windows-perheeseen kuuluva käyttöjärjestelmä. Microsoft sanoi siirtyvänsä Windows 10:n myötä Software as a Service -liiketoimintamalliin, jonka mukaan yhtiö julkaisisi vain päivityksiä eikä uutta versiota muutaman vuoden välein. Tämän vuoksi Windows 10:n sanottiin olevan ”viimeinen Windows”. Windows 10:n seuraaja Windows 11k…
Windows 10 - Wikipedia 10 is a major release of the Windows NT operating system developed by Microsoft. It is the successor to Windows 8.1, which was released nearly two years earlier, and itself was released to manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and broadly released for the general public on July 29, 2015. Windows 10 was made available for download via MSDN and TechNet, as a free upgrade for retail copies of Windo…
Download Windows 10 - › software-download › windows10All Windows 10 editions are available when you select Windows 10, except for Enterprise edition. For more information on Enterprise edition, go to the Volume Licensing Service Center . If you don't have a license to install Windows 10 and have not yet previously upgraded to it, you can purchase a copy here:
Get Windows 10 | Microsoft › en-us › windowsThere are two ways to get Windows 10. A short quiz will help you decide whether to buy Windows 10 to install on your current PC, or to buy a new Windows 10 PC. TAKE THE QUIZ. WINDOWS INSIDER PROGRAM. WINDOWS SUPPORT. WINDOWS BLOG. ASK THE COMMUNITY. Follow Microsoft Windows.