MICHEL Catalogue | Stamp Auction - StampCircuit
www.stampcircuit.com › content › michel-catalogueMICHEL-Briefmarken-Katalog (Michel Catalog) is the largest and best-known stamp catalog in the German-speaking world. First published in 1910, it is considered one of the most important reference work in philately. It was first issued as a price list specially made for the dealer Hugo Michel of Apolda. By 1920 it was split into two volumes - "Europe" and "Overseas", subsequently growing to the ...
Michel catalogs – Philatelicly
www.philatelicly.com › michel-catalogsHugo Michel became world famous for his reputation as a philatelist, especially through the publication of Michel catalogs. Even the catalog, published to the turn of the century, had for that time a high-quality standard. Michel had been involved since 1898 in fixing prices for the ‘ Senf ’ catalog”. His working experience for the ...
Michel catalogs – Philatelicly
Michel had been involved since 1898 in fixing prices for the ‘Senf’ catalog”. His working experience for the ‘senf’ helped him to develop his own Michel catalog. The first edition of the Michel catalog started out as a price list of 112 pages compiling the stamp issues of European nations and their post offices abroad.