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mi, tu, su spanish

Spanish POSSESSIVE Adjectives - Learn and PRACTICE
Mine is green. (“El mío” represents a noun that is not mentioned. For example, it could be “mi coche”, my car). Mi impresora es más moderna que la tuya. My printer is more modern than …
Mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus | Spanish Translator, mis, tu, tus, su, sus
Translate Mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
What Is The Difference Between Tu Vs Su In Spanish › the-d...
We know that tu and su are possessive pronouns. The difference between su vs tu is the same as the one between tú and usted: tu is the informal ...
How do I correctly use "su", "mi", "te" and "se". - SpanishDict
4.11.2011 · For su and mi (your/his/her/its and my) see the article on short form possessive adjectives. For te and se (in your contexts) you need to read articles discussing formal you and …
Mi tu su | Spanish Translator tu su
Translate Mi tu su. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Spanische Possessivpronomen (mi, tu, su, ...) | coLanguage
Man benutzt Possessivpronomen (span. pronombres posesivos ), um einen Besitz oder Zugehörigkeit auszudrücken. Es wird also verwendet um anzugeben, wem oder zu wem etwas …
Spanish possessives - mi, tu, su, etc. | Spanish - Quizizz
30 seconds. Report an issue. Q. Choose the correct possessive adjective for each phrase. My mom: _____ mamá. answer choices. mi. mis. tu.
Possessive Adjectives - › grammar › lessons
Mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house. Su, like tu, can mean “your.” The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree of formality the speaker wishes to convey. Mi casa es tu casa. (speaking to someone you would address as “tú”) Mi casa es su casa. (speaking to someone you would address as “usted”) Note: The ...
my, your, his, her, its, our and their (Adjetivos posesivos) › grammar
Possessive adjectives in Spanish ; your, tu, tus ; your (formal), su, sus ; his, su, sus ; her, su, sus ; its, su, sus ...
Mi tu su | Spanish Translator › translate › mi tu su
Translate Mi tu su. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Gramática: mi, tu, su - Spanish 1 - Google
Spanish belongs to... my mi / mis yo your (casual) tu / tus tú your (polite) su / sus usted his su / sus él her su / sus ella its su / sus our nuestro nuestra nuestros nuestras nosotros / nosotras …
Possessive Adjectives -
Su, like tu, can mean “your.” The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree of formality the speaker wishes to convey. Mi casa es tu casa. (speaking to someone you would …
Spanish POSSESSIVE Adjectives - Learn and PRACTICE › spanish-possessive-adjectives
Welcome to our grammar lesson on Spanish Possessive adjectives and pronouns («Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos»). Possessives indicate possession. In other words, who owns something. They are equivalent to the English my, mine, your, yours, his…. «mi» and «mío», examples of possessive adjectives. By the end of this lesson, you will be ...
Mi tu su nuestro | Spanish Translator › translate › mi tu su nuestro
Translate Mi tu su nuestro. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Gramática: mi, tu, su - Spanish 1
Spanish belongs to... my mi / mis yo your (casual) tu / tus tú your (polite) su / sus usted his su / sus él her su / sus ella its su / sus our nuestro nuestra nuestros nuestras nosotros / nosotras …
Gramática: mi, tu, su - Spanish 1 › chapter-4
In this lesson, you'll learn the Spanish words for my, your, his, her, our, and their. These words are adjectives because they describe nouns. Remember that.
Gramática: mi, tu, su - Spanish 1 › unit-1 › chapter-4
You say things like that's my pencil or that's his notebook. In this lesson, you'll learn the Spanish words for my, your, his, her, our, and their. These words are adjectives because they describe nouns. Remember that. nouns = people, places or things, and. adjectives = words that describe people, places or things.
Possessive Adjectives - › grammar › lessons › possadj
Possessive Adjectives · Notes: · Mi means “my” ; tu means “your.” · Su, like tu, can mean “your.” The difference between your (tu) and your (su) lies in the degree ...
Spanish Possessive Adjectives | SpanishDict › Grammar › Adjectives
mi. mis. mi. mis. Second person informal singular (tú). tu. tus. tu ... Mi is an example of a short-form possessive adjective with only two distinct forms.
Possessive Adjectives - Spanish Grammar - Happy Languages › lesson
Lesson: Possessive Adjectives in Spanish ; MASCULINO SINGULAR, MASCULINO PLURAL ; YO. MI. (my). MIS. (my) ; TÚ. TU. (your). TUS. (your) ; ÉL. SU. (his/her/its). SUS.
Spanish Possessive Adjectives - Lawless Spanish Grammar › pos...
Short forms of Spanish possessives ; Singular ; masc ; my, mi ; your (tú), tu ; his, her, your (Ud.) su ...
Gramática: mi, tu, su - Spanish 1 - Google › a › spanish1
You say things like that's my pencil or that's his notebook. In this lesson, you'll learn the Spanish words for my, your, his, her, our, and their. These words are adjectives because they describe nouns. Remember that. nouns = people, places or things, and. adjectives = words that describe people, places or things.
Possessives in Spanish Grammar - Lingolia › possessive-pronouns
Mi papá dice que está en el armario, pero ese no es el mío, es el suyo. Mis sombreros no están allí. ¡Mira! Nuestro perro lleva el suyo. Possessive Adjectives – ...
Spanish - Tu/Tus/Su/Sus/..., Possessive Adjectives - LENGO › lessons › spani...
In Spanish there are different forms of possessive adjectives, depending on ... Es tu amiga. Tengo unos zapatos. Son mis zapatos. Tengo un carro. Es mi