Metso Outotec - Partner for positive change - Metso Outotec
www.mogroup.comMetso Outotec is your partner for positive change in North America. From ore to metal, our new combined offering includes industry-leading technology and comprehensive aftermarket solutions that will maximize performance at every stage of your operations. DISCOVER OUR SOLUTIONS Enabling sustainable modern life
Metso (company) - Wikipedia Oyj is a Finnish publicly traded company that was established in 2020 when Outotec and Metso Minerals merged. The company is focusing on providing technology and services for aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining industries. The company changed its name from Metso Outotec to Metso in May 2023.
Metso - Wikipedia › wiki › MetsoMetso Oyj was a Finnish industrial machinery company focusing on providing technology and services for mining, aggregates, and oil and gas, recycling, pulp and paper and other process industries. On 30 June 2020, Metso's partial demerger and combination of Metso Minerals business unit and Outotec took place.