Työtila: EDUVAC Vaccination Competence
moodle.metropolia.fi › mod › urlThe objective of EDUVAC Vaccination Competence course is to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning about vaccinations and to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students in vaccinating different population groups and counselling clients of different age groups and their families. EDUVAC Web-based Course Syllabus. Tiedosto.
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
www.metropolia.fiMetropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu. Käyntiosoite Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki Postiosoite PL 4000, 00079 Metropolia Puhelin 09 7424 5000. Katso kaikki yhteystiedot ; Jätä palautetta tai kysy hakemisesta ; Kampukset