Curricula - Metropolia UAS › en › general-informationMetropolia University of Applied Sciences provides education for Bachelor’s Degrees, Master's degrees, professional specialisation studies and other education. Curriculum describes the competences of the education. The curricula in Metropolia are competence-based. Competence-based curricula define learning outcomes, contents and assessment ...
Complaint Process - OPA | › opa › complaintsContact Log: A case may be classified as a Contact Log under the following circumstances: (1) The complaint does not involve a potential policy violation by an SPD employee; (2) there is insufficient information to proceed with further inquiry; (3) the complaint is time-barred under the contractual statute of limitations; (4) the complaint has ...
Office of Police Accountability - OPA | › opaSafeguarding a culture of accountability within the Seattle Police Department. The Office of Police Accountability (OPA) has authority over allegations of misconduct involving Seattle Police Department (SPD) employees relating to SPD policy and federal, state, and local law. OPA investigates complaints and recommends findings to the Chief of ...
Tietoa opinto-ohjaajille | Metropolia › tietoa-opinto-ohjaajilleTilaa Metropolian esittyly etänä tai oppilaitoksessasi! Ohoi toisen asteen oppilaitokset ja opot! Mielellämme kerromme Metropolian koulutustarjonnasta ja palveluista teidän opiskelijoille. Tällä lomakkeella voit pyytää Metropolian yleisesittelyä tai yksittäisen tutkinto-ohjelman esittelyä etänä, oppilaitoksessasi tai Metropolian kampuksella.
HELSINKI METROPOLIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED - Opinto-opas › doc › 7067665Wednesday 13.1.2016 10.00 - 12.30 Welcome to Metropolia by student tutors - getting to know the group, experiences, possibilities, questions TUKHOLMANKATU 12.30 - 14.00 We Metropolians - lunch with all new students 14.00 - 16.00 Starting the Learning Path together with tutor teacher and student tutors VANHA VIERTOTIE Thursday 14.1.2016 09.00 ...