You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. Alternatively, you may have mistakenly ...
Outlook on the web - browser interface. Go to the Outlook Web App at Log in to Outlook Web App using your Metropolia user ID. To be able to use all features of Outlook Web App, a relatively modern browser is needed.
What e-mail address do students use? Students’ e-mail addresses end with . It is best to use an address of the format Aliases …
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Visiting Address Myllypurontie 1, Helsinki, Finland Postal Address PO BOX 4000, FI-00079 Metropolia, Finland Tel. +358 9 7424 5000. See all contact information; …
WebIn Outlook client, use these settings: Accout Type: IMAP. Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server: smtp.metropoliafi. User name: …
WebOpiskelijalla on mahdollisuus tarkistaa oletuksena luotu alias ammeesta https://amme.metropolia.f. Mistä sähköpostijärjestelmään pääsee? Sähköpostia voi …
What e-mail address do students use? Students’ e-mail addresses end with . It is best to use an address of the format Aliases made to such accounts are usually of the format Users who have the same name form an exception.
WebGo to the Outlook Web App at; Log in to Outlook Web App using your Metropolia user ID; To be able to use all features of Outlook Web App, a relatively …
Selainliittymä löytyy osoitteesta Selainliittymään kirjaudutaan normaalisti käyttäjätunnuksella. Kaikki toiminnot sisältävä normaali …
Web2. Select Mail. 3. Select Add account... 4. Select Microsoft Exchange. 5. Type in your Metropolia email and select Next. 6. Select Configure Manually. 7. Make sure all the …