Helsinki Metro Map | Metro Line Map › metro › helsinkiThe Helsinki Metro system serves the area of Helsinki and southern Espoo. The Helsinki Metro began operation in 1982, and the first part of the extension to Espoo was opened in November 2017, and the second part opened in December 2022. The Helsinki Metro is the northernmost metro in the world. The Helsinki metro consists of two lines (M1 and M2) and 30 stations.
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Helsinki Metro — Map, Lines, Route, Hours, Tickets › helsinki-metroJun 4, 2021 · Helsinki Metro Fares. The travel area for the metro system is divided into 8 different areas. The names of which are as follows: Helsinki, Espoo and Kauniainen, Vantaa, Kerava and Sipoo, Kirkkonummi, Regional Ticket, Region two-zone and Region three-zone. Prices also differ for adults and children between the age group of 7-16 years old.