TrendSet Sommer 2021 | Messe München › en › eventsJul 10, 2021 · As full of variety as life itself: That is TrendSet in Munich. This is where the large and small, industry leaders, niche suppliers, and newcomers present the entire variety of trend-setting products from the world of interiors and lifestyle. TrendSet is used as a trend and ordering platform by exhibitors showing approximately 2,500 of the latest brands and collections for the coming season from about 40 countries around the globe.
TrendSet at Messe München |simply Munich › trendset-at-messe-muenchenThe 118th International Trade Fair for Interior, Inspiration and Lifestyle, TrendSet, was held at the Messe München exhibition center from January 8 to 10, 2022. Due to the pandemic situation, it was one of the first trade fairs in early 2022. Until the very end, the TrendSet event team, the KVR of the City of Munich, and Messe München were in continuous coordination regarding the volatile situation and developed a comprehensive hygiene concept, which in the end was rewarded with ...
TrendSet Sommer 2021 | Messe München › en › technicalJul 10, 2021 · TrendSet is used as a trend and ordering platform by exhibitors showing approximately 2,500 of the latest brands and collections for the coming season from about 40 countries around the globe. At TrendSet, buyers and top decision-makers from all types of trade have the opportunity to get informed early and order directly.
TrendSet 2023 - Messe München - Fachmesse für Wohnambiente ... › de › 8495TrendSet 2023. Die TrendSet Messe München ist die Fachmesse für Wohnambiente, Tischkultur und Lebensart, auf der sich zweimal im Jahr das Who is Who der deutschen und europäischen Einkäufer für Wohnen, Dekorieren und Schenken trifft. Eine Vielzahl an Ausstellern, europäische Hersteller, Importeure und Handelsvertretungen internationaler Unternehmen präsentieren sich und ihre 2.500 Kollektionen.
TrendSet — International Trade Fair for Interiors ...
trendset.deTrendSet – Internationale Fachmesse für Interiors, Inspiration und Lifestyle in München. Als größte Fachmesse ihrer Art im südlichen deutschsprachigen Raum zählt die TrendSet jedes Jahr im Januar und Juli pro Messe rund 35.000 Fachbesuche von Einkäufern und Top-Entscheidern aller Handelsformen. Hier zeigen die Großen und Kleinen, die Branchenführer, Nischenanbieter und Newcomer die ganze Vielfalt an Trendprodukten aus der Interiors & Lifestyle Welt.
TrendSet — International Trade Fair for Interiors ... › enTrendSet – International Trade Fair for Interiors, Inspiration and Lifestyle in Munich. TrendSet is the International Trade Fair for Interiors, Inspiration and Lifestyle in Munich. As the largest trade fair of its kind in the southern German-speaking region, TrendSet attracts around 35,000 trade visitors per year in January and July from buyers and top decision-makers in all forms of retailing.