Omakanta | Kainuun sote > Sähköinen potilastiedon arkisto Kelan ylläpitämä valtakunnallinen potilastiedon arkisto on palvelu, jonne terveydenhuollon yksiköt tallentavat potilastietoja omista tietojärjestelmistään tietoturvallisesti. Potilastiedon arkistoa rakennetaan vaiheistetusti, tiedot kertyvät arkistoon sitä mukaa kun arkiston käyttö laajenee.
Kainuu people - Wikipedia › wiki › Kainuu_peopleIn the 19th century, the tar industry became incredibly important for the people of Kainuu, as Kainuu was the center of the industry in Finland. Although a bit of Kainuu folk poetry had already been collected in the 18th century, the popularity of national romanticism in the 19th century brought further attention to Kainuu.
Kainuu - Wikipedia › wiki › KainuuKainuu ( Swedish: Kajanaland) is one of the 19 regions of Finland ( maakunta / landskap ). Kainuu borders the regions of North Ostrobothnia, North Savo and North Karelia. In the east, it also borders Russia ( Republic of Karelia ). Culturally Kainuu is part of larger Eastern-Finnish cultural heritage.