Measuring Games - Topmarks › maths-games › 7-11-yearsCompare and order different numbers, including decimal numbers, and metric quantities involving length, mass, capacity and money. Measuring in Cm A measuring game which can help children to understand how to use a ruler. Children need to measure various objects against a centimetre ruler.
Browse Measurement Games | › games › measurementIn these interactive measurement games, your child will get familiar with common measurement tools like a ruler and measuring tape. By using them in a visual and hands-on way, your child will develop a deeper understanding of what units like feet, inches, and centemeters look like, making it easier to mentally estimate accurately in day-to-day ...
Measure It! - a game on Funbrain › games › measure-itMeasure It! - a game on Funbrain Advertisement 1–3 Measure It! Measure length in centimeters or inches. How to Play Choose the measurement that matches the length of the red bar. Game Controls Click to select. Tags Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Measurement Math Advertisement Advertisement Teachers & Parents Advertise With Us About Terms of Use
Measurement Games - › measurement › gamesMeasurement Games: Metric Rulers and English Rulers: Taller or Shorter Same or Different Longer or Shorter Capacity Game Weight Game Centimeter Ruler Game Centimeter Ruler Game With Decimals Millimeter Ruler Game Inch Ruler Game Measuring Length In Centimeter Measuring Length In Centimeter -Advanced Measuring Length In Inches Measuring Length